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Phrasal Verbs con Get

Phrasal Verbs "Get" B2 (FCE) C1 (CAE) Cambridge

Phrasal Verbs con GET esenciales para exámenes B2 First Certificate y C1 Advanced de Cambridge

Phrasal Verbs con ”Get”

Estos son los phrasal verbs con “GET” más usados y que más aparecen en exámenes de Cambridge:

To Get about: Moverse

“Do you know how to get about in Madrid without a map?”

To get above : Volverse engreído 

“After getting such good marks he started to get above”

To get across : Llegar al otro lado / Hacer que alguien te entienda

“I could not get my message across to my boss”

To get after : Hacer que alguien haga algo

“He never gives the report in on time, I always have to get after him”

To get ahead : Adelantarse

“Studying all weekend has made me manage to get ahead”

To get along/on with : Llevarse bien

“I really get along with my partner”

To get around to : Poder hacer algo que llevabas tiempo queriendo hacer

“I finally got round to do my homework”

To get at : Sobornar / Meterse con alguien

“He is always getting at me for not having good spelling”

To get away : Irse de vacaciones

“Have you been able to get away this year?”

To get away with : Salir impune

“He got away with murder”

To get back : Volver

“I really want to get back to work”

To get back at : Vengarse

“I got back at John for letting me down”

To get back to : Devolver la llamada

“As soon as I get to the office I will get back to you”

To get/fall behind : Quedarse atrás

“I am falling behind with my reports”

To get by : Arreglárselas 

“Are you able to get by on your own?”

To get by on: Sobrevivir económicamente 

“How much do you need to get by on in London?”

To get down to: Poder llegar a hacer algo que llevabas tiempo queriendo hacer

“I could finally get down to studying english”

To get in : Entrar / Meterse

“I was not able to get in the house because I left my keys at work”

To get out : Salir / Salirse

“Please get out of my class if you decide not to behave”

To get out of : Librarse

“I was not able to get out of cutting the lawn”

To get over : Superar

“It took me a long time to get over my divorce”

To get over with: Terminar algo que llevabas tiempo queriendo hacer

“I really needed to get over with buying my Christmas presents”

To get rid of : Deshacerse de algo

“We need to get rid of that smell”

To get through to : Ser capaz de establecer comunicación con alguien

“Did you get through to John?”

To get to : Comenzar a hacer algo que llevabas tiempo queriendo hacer / Que te enfade algo

“People that constantly interrupt you really gets to me”

Curso Preparacion FCE B2 First Certificate Madrid Cambridge en EEI English Examination Institute

Curso B2 Preparación First Certificate FCE

Curso preparación B2
Curso Preparacion CAE C1 Advanced Madrid Cambridge en EEI English Examination Institute

Curso C1 Preparación Advanced CAE

Curso preparación C1
Curso Preparacion CPE C2 Proficiency Madrid Cambridge en EEI English Examination Institute

Curso C2 Preparación Proficiency CPE

Curso preparación C2
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