Estos son los phrasal verbs con “MAKE” más usados y que más aparecen en exámenes de Cambridge:
To make up:
Inventar, compensar
“She made up an excuse for being late.”
“I forgot your birthday, but I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
To make up for:
“Nothing can make up for the time we lost.”
To make out:
Entender, distinguir, besarse
“I couldn’t make out what he was saying.”
“They were making out in the park.”
To make over:
Renovar, transformar
“They made over the entire house before selling it.”
To make off with:
Escapar con algo robado
“The thief made off with all the money from the register.”
To make do with:
Conformarse con
“We don’t have any sugar, so we’ll have to make do with honey.”
To make of: Opinar, interpretar
“What do you make of this situation?”
To make for: Dirigirse hacia, contribuir a
“After work, I made for the nearest café.”
“His honesty makes for a great leader.”
To make into:
Convertir en
“They made the old factory into a museum.”
To make up one’s mind:
“I can’t make up my mind about which car to buy.”
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