Estos son los phrasal verbs con “PUT” más usados y que más aparecen en exámenes de Cambridge:
Put away: Guardar donde no se vea.
- “Put away all the books before the exam”
Put back : Devolver algo a su sitio original.
- “When you finish your paper put back the rubber where you found it”
Put down : Dejar objetos / Desanimar / Sacrificar.
-“Put that pen down on the table”
- “My teacher never puts me down”
- “My dog was so ill we had to put it down”
Put off : Posponer / Quitar las ganas de...
- ”The meeting had to be put off until next week”,
- “The way the food is served really puts me off”
Put across : Transmitir.
- “I was not able to put across what I really wanted to say”.
Put on : Ponerse ropa / Engordar.
- “I usually put on weight at Christmas”.
Put behind : Dejar atrás.
- “I really think you should put behind all your problems with John”.
Put forward : Extender / Tender.
- “I had to put forward my statement in front of the judge.”
Put out : Apagar fuego / Cigarrillo.
- “Put that fire out before it gets out of hand”.
Put together : Montar / Unir.
- “I am unable to put together this bedside table”
Put up with : Aguantar / Tolerar.
- “Sometimes it is hard to put up with you”.
Put through to : Poner en contacto (teléfono).
- “Hello Sir, I will put you through to Peter as soon as he is available”.
Put up : Acomodar / Levantar, construir.
- “ I hope they put that building up as fast as the other one”.
Put aside : Dejar a un lado /Ahorrar
-“Put your book aside before you do the exercise”
- “I am not able to put aside a lot of money at the end of the month”
Put in : Meter / Dedicar
- “I was not able to put the plate in the dishwasher”
- “To learn english you need to put in some effort”
¿Llegas tarde para el Trimestre o Intensivo?
Aunque las clases hayan comenzado, puedes matricularte en las clases en EEI sin coste adicional alguno en cualquier curso pagando tan solo la parte proporcional al comienzo del curso de inglés de Cambridge (previo prueba de nivel y disponibilidad).